Monday, November 16, 2009


Here it is!

The search for the HAPPIEST PINOY! Find out how to win by simply being a happy Pinoy!

While we're at it, here are Top tips to achieve happiness

Happiness, as they say, is a state of mind and being. But with today's problems from finances to security, this state is as elusive as ever.

Still there are many ways one can take to be happy on a day-to-day basis. Here are our top 5 tips:

1. Try to discover what you do not want.

Reflection is the key ingredient in this first step. We are always asked what we want and end up with general answers that usually lead to nothing specific. Instead, ask yourself what really scares you or annoys you and list them down. In your sheet, write beside each item the counter activities or actions you can take to avoid or solve it. You'll be surprised to find that these "problems" are can in fact be easily resolved all by yourself.

2. Surround yourself with positive reinforcements.

Whether it's a clean desk or good friends, you can't go wrong with positive vibes. Always create the oasis you crave wherever you go and go only with people you feel are helping you become a better version of yourself.

3. Move around!

It has been scientifically proven that happy hormones called endorphins flood our bloodstreams when indulging in physical activities. No wonder active people are not just strong and buff, but more importantly, happy beings as well.

4. Be a solution-finder instead of a problem-seeker.

Focus on improvements instead of setbacks. By becoming a solution-finder, you do not only become a valuable part of a team or a community, you also help ease the burden of those around you, leading to a shared feeling of happiness.

5. Get your share of the giggles.

Feeling down and low? Call a friend or get out of your office cubicle and meet up with a friend. Share lighthearted stories and jokes to improve your mood. You'll come out with a better outlook and a healthier heart in no time!

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